Panel for FS2004 Cessna 337
by Dave Shirley


Install the panel folder into the aircraft folder you wish to use this panel with.If you wish to retain the original panel rename it .orig .bak or any thing you would like. Install the contents of the gauges folder into the main FS2004 Gauges folder.



I would like to apologize for not listing all the wonderful gauge programmers, without whom, no aircraft panel would be possible. I have downloaded literally hundreds of panels in search of the gauges I feel best fit any particular application, so I forget who all the credit for such gauges should go to!. If you see something and feel you should be given the gauge credit for it, please contact me and I will amend this readme.

Richard Probst for his fine gauges
Chris Koegler and Ralph’s Panel Shop for there fine gauges
Dai Griffiths for his Dragonflight Design Gauges Top Avionics and Tony D'AMBROSIO
Jorge 'eko' Salas
Clive Ryan for use of his C-130 gauges
Francisco Sanchez-Castañer for his Dash 7 gauges
HGHB Instruments (The HGHB files are freeware versions.)
The FPDA for their gauges, switches, sounds, etc
FSD for thier gauges, switches, etc
Ernie Kennedy for his gauges
Eric Ernst for his gauges
Chuck Dome for his gauges and gauge utilities
The Flightsimvet Club for thier FS2002 Tips Page!
Arne Bartels for his gauges work and his xml tutorial,
Chris Koegler and Ralph’s Panel Shop for there fine gauges
Tom Gibson
Prop2ERK*.gau Propliner gauges by Ernie Kennedy
Jorge Alsina
J.L.Stubbs Aeroswine Research Corporation

Thanks to Microsoft for The Great Flight Sim

Thanks to Phillip Treweek for permission to use the interior photo's

The gauges in this panel that are works of the above mentioned authors,
or others,may have been modified by me to correspond to the
project I have included them in.I take no credit for the design of
those gauges, and I thank all the authors for use of their original


There is nothing about these files that can harm your computer, but by downloading and installing them you accept full responsibility for any consequences. real or imagined.

I have tested this panel exstensively on my computer and take no responceabilty for
any problems you may experience precived or otherise.


This panel is strickly for freeware, is not to be sold.

This FREEWARE panel has been created by the author,Any freeware
gauge files included with this panel are the properties of
their respective authors and as such fall under whatever guidelines
they may reserve. You may re-distribute or re-upload it to other net locations
but you may NOT use it for any commercial-purpose WITHOUT all
the author's explicit, written PERMISSION in advance.
Any infringements could result in a complaint for violation
of copyright.